In 2019, Citadel expanded our prefabrication capabilities by completing construction on a new 7,000 square foot manufacturing facility dedicated to project prefabrication.
Through the utilization of pre-fabrication and other lean construction methods, Citadel Electric has a proven track record of decreasing installation costs and improving safety performance. We have a full service in-house prefabrication shop overseen by a General Foreman with over 30 years of electrical installation experience. Our prefabrication shop works closely with our BIM/CAD detailers and field installers. Our team uses BIM and 3D modeling to aide in prefabrication.
We look for prefabrication opportunities on every one of our projects. Typically, we build a 3D model of our strut assemblies, duct banks, feeders, panels, large conduit drops and prefabricate as much of this work as possible. We have significant experience using both pre-fabrication and pre-manufactured wiring systems for repetitive room construction. Aggressively utilizing prefabrication helps us push the project schedule and typically results in considerable cost savings for our customers.