Our team regularly works in high security, “no failures allowed” environments that are critical to the operations of the facility, company, consumer, or military base. When required, we complete the upgrades or system changeouts without a shutdown or interruption to operations. Some of our recently completed Mission Critical projects include:
- Build-out of large data center for branch of US Military (undisclosed location)
- Build out of data center at Ft. Leavenworth
- Complete change out of electrical service, upgrade emergency power system, alterations to critical power system for the clinic at Whiteman Air Force Base
- Upgrade emergency power system at KCVA Hospital
- NIPRNET and SIPRNET secured network system installation
- Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) at multiple, high security, locations
- Atherton Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
- GMP Pharmacy Expansion
- Natural Gas Stripping Plant
- Pipeline Flame Detection and Compressor Station Upgrades
- Multiple location clean room construction
- Laboratories
- Manufacturing facility line changeouts
- Manufacturing facility lighting upgrades
- Upgrades to Weapons Storage Areas
- Substation replacement, multiple locations
- Air Traffic Control Center Infrastructure Upgrades